I’ve had this error a few times now with a big PC rollout I’ve been doing of v12.0 client (that’s why I’ve not posted anything for ages! 5000 machines down, 2000 to go…) and thought it might be useful to share. A scripted install of the client crashes out with the useless error “Could not access network location components”, event ID 11606.
Each time this has been because someone has previously installed Firefox and then uninstalled it (tsk – non-Enterprise ready software! And users with local admin rights, always a dangerous combination).
To solve, check whether Firefox is installed (probably not – remove it if so) and blow away this registry key that it fails to tidy up:
The install should now sail through just fine.
I’m sure there are other things that could cause this error of course, but I’ve had it a few times now and its been a badly removed Firefox installation every time.
Hi Labmouse and thank you for your valuable input to the IT people and the internet in general.
I have had teh said registry entry left over from previous Firefox install on our RDP/TS server but removing it did not resolve I'm afraid. Got any other ideas what could be causing this.
Hello there,
I can't check this as I don't have a PC in this state at the moment, but I seem to remember that (and this is a bit odd) the error message changed and became more useful when I disabled the network connections prior to running the install. Obviously this might stop you being able to run the install remotely! I have a feeling that this helped show what exactly it was objecting to though.
To be fair, I've only seen this on a client PC, it could be that the problem lies elsewhere on a server OS.
Just a thought - have you tried to reinstall Firefox? If there was a working installation at install the Citrix client install might work, it seemed to be a partially removed Firefox install that caused the trouble.
Hope you get it sorted, let us know if it was something new!
Just had another look and found that if "Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration" is installed and enabled for Administrators it will prevent the installation of "Citrix online plug-in".
Untic these in add remove programs/Windows components and your installation should complete normally. Worked for me.
Ah, good work - IE ESC causes more trouble.
You have to admit that the error from Citrix of "Could not access network location components" is hardly useful. Perhaps something like "Error: IE ESC enabled" would be better?
Solution worked perfectly. Thank you.
Thanks Labmouse!
THis was exactly our problem. Now we can go on with the RES VDX migration.
Philip Emaus, the Netherlands
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